What is Catastrophizing: The Experts

We would like first to ask the reader to ponder the question of what the term 'catastrophizing' means. The term catastrophizing was used by Albert Ellis, the founder of rational-emotional therapy, almost four decades ago (Ellis A. Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy. New York. Lyle Stuart, 1962). Ellis gave the following example of catastrophizing: 'How terrible the situation is; I positively cannot stand it!' Later, Beck et al. discussed catastrophizing in terms of dwelling on the worst possible outcome of any situation in which there is a possibility for an unpleasant outcome (Beck AT. Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders. New York: The New American Library, 1976). Examples of catastrophizing given by Beck et al. include the following: (1) during an airplane flight, a woman dwells on the possibility of the plane's crashing and her being killed; and (2) a college student taking an examination is preoccupied with the possibility of failing and consequently flunking out of college. Such thoughts are tied to the perception of oneself as vulnerable and as being subject to danger over which one has insufficient control. A slightly different definition of catastrophizing has been used in studies of worry: perceiving progressively worse and worse outcomes to a specific worry (Davey GCL, Levy S. 'Catastrophic worrying: personal inadequacy and a perseverative iterative style as features of the catastrophizing process'. J Abnorm Psychol 1998;107:576-86.)."
- from "Pain-Related Catastrophizing: What is it?" Turner, Judith and Aaron,
Leslie. The Clinical Journal of Pain. March 2001. 17:1, pp. 65-71.
Leslie. The Clinical Journal of Pain. March 2001. 17:1, pp. 65-71.
What is Catastrophizing: The Catastrophizer
Why is the font above so tiny? Because the Catastrophizer is trying to subtly downplay the importance of the experts, or because the Catastrophizer was unable to determine exactly how to increase the font size in this strangely recalcitrant webpage section? Never choose one answer when both might be applicable.
It's entirely possible that the excerpt above does not accurately represent the definition of catastrophizing currently endorsed by the psychiatric community. It's possible that googling "catastrophizing definition" does not constitute a truly exhaustive search for expert-endorsed knowledge. If my layperson's (I am referring to my own status as a layperson and do not mean to imply that I somehow "possess" a layperson whose opinions I'm disseminating through this website) definition of catastrophizing contradicts what mental health professionals have concluded, I refuse to apologize for being a maverick. If my definition replicates what is being said, I refuse to apologize for being a plagiarist and humbly suggest this as an example of convergent intellectual evolution.
There are two ways to catastrophize (causal and associative) and two compelling reasons for doing so (enhancing the quality of your anxieties and rationalizing away missed opportunities). As a good catastrophizer, as THE Catastrophizer, I am well aware that my categories might not be exhaustive or definitive, might be sadly lacking or sadly overreaching. After all, theories are, inevitably, inadquate things and theorists (especially Catastrophizers) are, just as inevitably, inadequate people.
It's entirely possible that the excerpt above does not accurately represent the definition of catastrophizing currently endorsed by the psychiatric community. It's possible that googling "catastrophizing definition" does not constitute a truly exhaustive search for expert-endorsed knowledge. If my layperson's (I am referring to my own status as a layperson and do not mean to imply that I somehow "possess" a layperson whose opinions I'm disseminating through this website) definition of catastrophizing contradicts what mental health professionals have concluded, I refuse to apologize for being a maverick. If my definition replicates what is being said, I refuse to apologize for being a plagiarist and humbly suggest this as an example of convergent intellectual evolution.
There are two ways to catastrophize (causal and associative) and two compelling reasons for doing so (enhancing the quality of your anxieties and rationalizing away missed opportunities). As a good catastrophizer, as THE Catastrophizer, I am well aware that my categories might not be exhaustive or definitive, might be sadly lacking or sadly overreaching. After all, theories are, inevitably, inadquate things and theorists (especially Catastrophizers) are, just as inevitably, inadequate people.
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