When you become more keenly aware of your flaws and failings, you'll delight in tracing them to real and imagined consequences. Have my insecurities caused me to turn my back on any number of possible vocations? Would my many inadequacies have caused me to fail at those vocations anyway? Will my need to watch 16 and Pregnant eventually lead to increased emotional distance between myself and my friends?
The temptation to catastrophize constantly will be considerable, but you must be strong, at least intermittently. People often say that the without the lows of life, the highs would be less intoxicating, but the reverse is also true. Without the occasional high, the lows of life will lose their lustre.
So even though you'd rather watch Disaster Date and focus on self-esteem issues... even though you'd rather browse Instructables and contemplate your chronic lack of creativity...you must occasionally try to delight and inspire and laud yourself. For only after moments of elation can real and imagined catastrophes truly be appreciated; only against a backdrop of occasional brightness will the oppressive gloom stand out starkly.
POLITE DISCLAIMER: This site is intended for entertainment purposes only. If you are not entertained, fair enough.